(function() { layer.close(layer.index); $('#finderName').html(' [ 1 Finder ]'); var height = 2000; var minWidth = '1050'; var screens = [{"symbol":"<=","size":"800","width":"100%","hiddenWidth":"30","hiddenHeight":"100"},{"symbol":">","size":"800","width":"100%","hiddenWidth":"0","hiddenHeight":"100"}]; gameInfo.finderUrl = 'https://game6plus.com/rhodoknight'; gameInfo.siteCode = 'game6plus'; gameInfo.formulaCode = '143'; gameInfo.formulaDes = `

Game version: JP

Game progress: Initially no progress, only finishing the teaching task

Card draw props: Query website display

Login method: Bind google [ Buyer mentions ]

`; gameInfo.formulaId = '224'; gameInfo.gameId = "194"; gameInfo.finderId = "378"; gameInfo.storeUrl = 'https://www.8591.com.tw/mallList-wareDetail.html?id=2379089161'; gameInfo.orderReply = `


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`; gameInfo.queryPos = 'rb'; gameInfo.gameName = '( JP ) The Thousand Noble Musketeers: Rhodoknight'; gameInfo.copyMethod = 'Input combination ID【Click on price 】'; gameInfo.finderCode = 'Cat66'; gameInfo.queryString = ''; setIframeStyle(height,minWidth, screens); loadFinder() })();